After putting together a training plan last night for Rock n Roll Chicago Half Marathon, I felt I just had to get in a run today to kick it off. Not a bad schedule.

As of late, Disturbed – Serpentine has been a major influence on my motivation to workout. Half the battle is over once I am outside the door because there is no turning back from there. It is so easy to get comfortable and put the run off for another day, especially with temperatures above 80°.



Des Plaines River


My third encounter with a deer on the Des Plaines River Trail. This one eventually took off running.

Humidity kicked my butt today, so I took it easy. My encounters with mountain bikers gave me the opportunity to take short breaks.
#run #health #trail #Chicago #fitness #strava #google #virily #blogger #runner #RunIsLife #pride #disturbed #blacklivesmatter
so when the deer took off running, who won the race you or the deer?
Your virtual cheering section for the race is ready – T-minus 32 days now!!!
The deer did because I just stood there snapping pictures, and making a video to share on Yelp, lol.
that is very disappointing. I figured you would beat the deer
Not a fan of running through the brushes, so the deer will win every time. I’m always wondering what else wildlife may be within when I run the trails. Only one I have no interest in encountering is skunks!
it is a well known fact that skunks are IU fans, you would be sprayed for sure!