
Love ItLove It



Get ready for the road, my old girl.

If you’re ready, I’m ready.

You are getting worse and murderous, you love me

And more and more deadly becomes my love.

Here we are walking down and going to the river.

Behind the hill the sun goes down.

There is time to catch this short remnant –

A short of our day that was great.

There is still hope to repeat everything.

To the starting point, the circle rotates.

A black stork takes off triumphantly upwards

And in his beak his frog screamed in horror.

God, how cruel. And maybe wisdom!

The river passes, all in golden paint.

And on her smooth, deceptive surface

A serpent swooped to the other side.

Glows silver fish on my hook

And in a parabolic seizure it ends its path.

We are alive with you, we are still here

And we are hungry! Life feeds from death.

Ah, the river is flowing and it is not flowing!

Prepare the pan after the successful hunt.

You are getting worse and murderous, you love me

And more and more deadly becomes my love.

Hear, beast and nature – all this today tells us.

This world acquires its exact features.

So there is hope to repeat everything.

To the starting point, the circle rotates.

1995 Nedyalko Yordanov

© Elenka Smilenova 2017 – All Rights Reserved


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12 Points

Written by lacho59


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