In the summer it is different. When you are friends with the sea tents, caravan exchanged towels. Shared dinners. When your parent is the sea sand castles, mermaids. When you are with your grandchildren you have to be very careful. Because “The sea is not at the knees.” When you are a retiree the sea is hope. Salt water and Sun rays to relieve the pains of rheumatism in the winter. You find like-minded for a card game. This is the sea in the summer. Pleasant, cheerful and happy.
In autumn the beaches are getting thinner. Delayed visitors are few. December comes. Everyone is in a hurry to prepare Christmas. Then forget about the sea. It does not change like us people. And it is still the same, beautiful, attractive and azure. That’s how I found it and I threw it in December. Love him and you through my pictures.
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