
India: Monsanto's guinea pigs


Monsanto has been providing agricultural resources to the country of India for 45 years.  The first product that the agricultural giant provided to the people of India was Machete.  Machete is an herbicide that cut down weeds that were in rice fields throughout India.  As of now, Machete is still sold in India as well as RoundUp.

The active ingredient in Machete herbicide is dimethylamine salt.  The problem is that this salt is very toxic.  Dimethylamine is a known carcinogen.  If you click on the link, then you will see that this salt causes cancer in the kidneys, in the liver, in the reproductive organs, and in the nervous system.  Also, when clicking on the link, then you will also see that the post about dimethylamine being toxic was from 1998.

For all of these years, Monsanto has poisoned an entire generation of people from India.


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Written by ahol888

Coolest dwarf in the world. Expert on the topic of mediocrity.

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