If it’s the song of the Georges or knowledge to bring luck, (geranium) the decoration of my balcony. In a long period it was and now I’m fan of vertical Geralt. I have red, pink and white. Special scent leaves me back to childhood. They are rewarding and enduring flowers. Water them regularly but moderately. Mine are protected on the balcony of the midday sun. There is sun only in the morning.
Good flowers good photo.
I do not like the smell and I like the smell of roses, squeals, carnations.
Plants with great color combinations, with dazzling photos!
Just beautiful, and thank you for sharing.
Wonderful post! 🙂 Mushkatle remind me on my grandmother, she had numerous pots of this flowers. 🙂
very beautiful flowers…. !!
Beautiful flowers, love the color.
Many semantics and different names for this flower, in such a small geographical area of the Balkans.
u Vojvodini – muškale?
u Hercegovini se za ovo cvijeće kaže – mušketini
Najjbolje cvece koje nije mnogo zahtevno,odgovara svako godisnje doba,samo je bitno sacuvati od mraza.
I love flowers, a good post! Dobro dosla