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Is there anything more beautiful than the sun’s rays

Is there anything more beautiful than the sun’s rays crawling over the horizon early in the morning? Hardly. Sunrise is a symbol of the new day, the new beginning. It gives us hope for something better and different. And now a very wise thought: “If a man all day, day after day, continually welcomes the dawn and rises as it should, regardless of whether the weather is clear, cloudy, rainy or with blizzards and storms, it can become genius “.

Peter Dunov

I had an early examination time for the traumatologist. I decided to go out early from home. To do my morning walk. I had not seen the sunrise for a long time. I began to lack the energizing energy of the Sun. I sat in the park at the health service with the camera and took these pictures. We were alone, pigeons and sunrise. It was great that these beautiful birds were with me and that we were together to meet the new day.

© 2017 -Elenka Smilenova  All Rights Reserved


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10 Points

Written by lacho59


  1. Gorgeous photos! The sun is indeed life. I can better understand how we worshipped the sun in ancient times, than how many now worship an imaginary deity that exists only in their heads.