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Ways To Improve Your English

English is a universal language because it is the most spoken language in the whole world. People have to communicate to understand each other. Moreover, effective communication can help improve relationships with your family, friends, and colleagues, whether it is vocally or written. That is why you have to expand it. Do not feel pressured if you think your communications skills are not impressive right now. “There are many ways to improve it, and one of these is by practicing verbal and written communication every day or you can use different resources like EnglishwithLucy. Write or talk to someone using the English language.

  • Practice everyday

Practice makes perfect as they say. Should you want to be good at something, you have to find time to practice at least 30 minutes to 1 hour a day. Get a pen and paper or look for someone to talk to and write or practice youEnglish speaking skills. Watching movies and television series with subtitles help, too. If you find it hard to understand what the character is saying, just read the subtitles. But it is way better to practice your listening skills, too.

  • Learn new words and list them down to your notebook

Whenever you encounter a new word in a book, magazine, website, and others, list it down to any piece of paper and try to include it to your vocabulary. Again, practice. When you are trying to make a conversation or write a blog, encompass it so you won’t ever forget it. Do it every day until it stays in your mind.

  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes

We all commit mistakes. It is okay, but make sure to learn from them. Do not get discouraged when you feel like you are failing. Mistakes are there to teach you a lesson, and hopefully, learn from it. If you want to be good at something, you have to work hard for it. If you want to be an excellent English speaker or writer, practice.

  • Ask for help

Ask for professional help should you need to improve your English skills, whether it is verbal or written. If you know someone in the family who is proficient in English, do not hesitate to ask questions. Do not ever feel inferior should you need to ask questions. Asking questions can create thoughts, spur your imagination, etc. However, make sure that they are relevant questions, though.

  • Start a blog

To develop your writing skills, you may start a blog. Create a free account at Blogger, Wix or WordPress. Write your day-to-day activities. Use Canva to create images and Grammarly to check your grammar. Install it to your browser on MAC or Windows, your mobile phone and other devices. You can use it for free however the features are limited. So if writing is your job or passion, upgrading to premium is the best move. It will check your grammar, spelling and punctuation errors, plagiarism, overused words and wordiness among others.

  • Find time to read

Honestly, reading books is not my thing. I get bored easily, especially if it does not pique my interest. I still find it kind of humdrum up to this day, though. But since my line of work requires a lot of writing for a specific topic, I have no choice but to do research and read. It is one of the best ways to expand your vocabulary, too. I love learning new words. Whenever I encounter a new word, I write it down so I won’t forget it, and I usually include it to my conversations and writing every day.

  • Take an English course

Take a course at the university if you want to be an English teacher someday or if you want to level up your skills. If you can’t afford a formal school right now, you may take some courses online, and they are free. Some provide certifications to prove that you have taken the course. Tests will be given too to measure whether you have learned anything or not.

English is a universal language, without a doubt. If you are a big-time entrepreneur, you can’t do business with other places abroad, specifically with a western country like The United States. Study every day and you will see results in no time.


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  1. Very interesting. I have my own vocabulary, I have a lot of notebooks with words I have been learning. I have a blog Halcombe Norilsk, that I started in 2012 where I write articles in English, but the best thing is to listen to BBC World Service every day. I listen to it while I am on the internet and it is great for the brain. You can have the app on your mobile phone too.

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