
Love ItLove It

Sometimes a Simple Song is the Answer!


Music does play a huge role in my life. I listen to almost everything and I am also grateful when I find the perfect song for a moment in time. Today this was the song and the moment is now. Things have been tough here. My daughter-in-law had an odd experience that landed her in the hospital with great pain and no use of her hands and arms.  She fighting back and her children are learning how strong Mom truly is and what a great example. My brother is fighting for every breath. Doctor after doctor have “not showed up” at the hospital when it is time for the procedure. He’s trying again today. I know he is only holding on for me, I love him for that and still I hate the pain. 

Today this song lifted my heart. Gave me a smile.  Hopefully helps to prepare me for the roads ahead.

I believe music is one of the most creative ways to touch a heart and make a difference.


What do you think?

15 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


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