
Love ItLove It

Some Celebrities Make Great Neighbors ~ Others not So Much

Hank Williams JR moved near our little community. By little I mean there were four buildings and some surrounding ranches. The newspaper was one sheet of paper and it reported pretty much who was fighting with whom and over what. It also noted if anyone was going to town to get some real supplies.

My Mom was five feet nothing and she believed she was 10 feet tall and bulletproof. Mom was going to town and it showed up in the paper. That evening an employee of Mr. Hank Williams Jr brought over his list. Mom took a look at the list and said “I’m sorry, you’ll have to see if someone else can get his supplies, I can’t possibly load all those supplies and get them back. I don’t have the room and strength.” 

“Mamm, no one tells Mr. Hank Williams Jr. No and lives to tell about it.” she laughed and closed the door.

He knocked again and Mom answered. “Mamm, I am serious.”

Mom stomped her foot and said, “and so am I.” She closed the door. 

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Written by Ghostwriter


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