in Other Love It Photography Series (Part 4) by MommyofEli2013 March 5, 2018, 10:50 am 142 Views 9 Votes 7 Comments Share Tweet Pin Sunset & Trees Of course I have a lot of sunset photos....they have always been one of my favorite photography subjects. Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Very pretty and hazy sunset. 1 Thank you, they haven’t always been my best photos but I still love to take them Very beautiful sunset unusual colours Green Apple I sometimes take photos of random things....I think it turned out as a nice shot though. What do you think? Also, which photo was your favorite? Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport It would be so cool to have an apple tree. Not sure my favorite but I love Trouble and Gidget. 🙂 1 I’m sure my grandmother’s always loved having it 🙂 And thank you 🙂 That’s what I’m doing I like it, apples are great Read LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to CollectionReport Pages:Previous 12Next post What do you think? 9 Points Upvote Downvote Browse and manage your votes from your Member Profile Page Share Tweet Pinflowersmommyofeli2013naturePhotography Written by MommyofEli2013 facebook instagram twitter 7 Comments Nice set of photos, and unusual subjects. Its fun to experiment. You have beautiful pictures in the archive 1 Thank you very much, I have many more parts to this series coming up! Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing! 1 Thank you very much 🙂 I’m glad you liked them! 1 Enjoyed your photos Courtney! 🙂 Thank you so much, I appreciate your feedback 🙂
Sunset & Trees Of course I have a lot of sunset photos....they have always been one of my favorite photography subjects. Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport Very pretty and hazy sunset. 1 Thank you, they haven’t always been my best photos but I still love to take them Very beautiful sunset unusual colours
Green Apple I sometimes take photos of random things....I think it turned out as a nice shot though. What do you think? Also, which photo was your favorite? Share Share on PinterestShare on FacebookShare on Twitter MoreReport It would be so cool to have an apple tree. Not sure my favorite but I love Trouble and Gidget. 🙂 1 I’m sure my grandmother’s always loved having it 🙂 And thank you 🙂 That’s what I’m doing I like it, apples are great
It would be so cool to have an apple tree. Not sure my favorite but I love Trouble and Gidget. 🙂 1
Very pretty and hazy sunset.
Thank you, they haven’t always been my best photos but I still love to take them
Very beautiful sunset unusual colours