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National Day of Prayer

Normally I don’t like to touch a subject like “prayer” and today is different. If you believe in a higher power today would be a great day to join others on the National Day of Prayer. To me, prayer is simply listening to your heart and saying it out loud. Most of the time no one else hears my prayers, but I do say them out loud.

The world is hurting and everyone is confused and on edge for one reason or another. Life isn’t easy and perhaps it wasn’t supposed to be. I happen to believe we are here to learn something before our spirits move on to learn something else. (I am struggling to learn this lesson.) I often find myself fearful and alone. Instead of providing strength to those around me, they see my fear.

Once again the drum circle is coming to the house this evening in honor of the National Day of Prayer.  I am always touched by the experience. It’s hard to explain how it makes me feel. I don’t speak the native tongue so I have no idea what the words really are. They’ve explained it, and the songs are not always the same. 

I am going to honor this day of prayer and try to be more mindful today of the things that I believe are most important in my life and what is most important to me is people. 

I hope today you find something truly comforting and you can relax and breathe easy for a time.


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10 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


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