
Luna (tic) University – Part 9

It took nearly six years from the establishment of Tranquility University for all the eminent instructors to be replaced by Lunatics.

The slurs against various competent Professors and Doctors and other luminaries, and the lies, pressures and tricks had them racing back to Earth.

Six years from the establishment, Tranq U was infested with Lunatics. The few non-Lunites who remained had either married Lunatics or having retired to this enclave of mundanity, became colourless, odorless, amalgams. During the five years before infestation, many young people, offered places at prestigious Terran institutions, showed endearing stupidity by electing to gain their degree from T.U. Once the faculty was pure Lunatic every aspiring student with two living brain cells was booking passage to Earth, preferring a degree from Nothing University to a piece of paper from T.U.T.U. became the Last Resort.

Due to the intellectual drainage, when positions came available, people were imported from Earth. No one with a Lunatic degree could get a job beyond sewage.

This is because those on Luna knew that an Education, received at T.U was basically a degree in Lunacy.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar