
Luna (tic) University – Part 8

Becoming the pinnacle of intellectual achievement was not what the locals who had decided to turn the Training Institute into a University had in mind. Campus politics are different from national politics by sheer viciousness. The effort locals put into getting rid of ‘foreign ‘professors could have repulsed the hordes of Genghis Khan.

Of course, this chasing of eminent minds who had traveled from Earth for the purpose of teaching at Luna University,  was done subtly.

It began with the artistic use of words until the term ‘Non-Lunite’ was said with the inflexion of ‘pederast’ or ‘cannibal’. Anything slightly out of the parochial inclosed Lunatic mentality was labeled ‘non=lunite’.

Brilliant minds, traveling from their magnificent homes on Earth, making sacrifices to teach in the rat burrow of Luna  University could not be disregarded. What could and did happen was that they would arrive, suffer the lacks of living in a hole in the lunar surface, and then be  labeled ‘non-lunite’:

“His teaching methods are substantially non-lunite.””His concepts betray a striking non-lunite perception.”Though non-Lunite was not anti-Lunite by dictionary definition, it became a synonym.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar