I am going to stop caring and sharing for a week and see if it makes a difference for anyone else. Since nearly all my views come from people who are not on virily, it doesn’t do me much good. I think I will replace it with posting six times a day and reading and commenting on all the new posts (- the one who requested I not).
I getting tired and I am definitely wearing down. People tell me that my eyes now look soulless. (I thought they looked tired, apparently, I am simply missing my soul.) I will try to keep my posts informative or entertaining or something. I am certain as I stop sharing mine off the site as well I will have even fewer interactions.
It turns into a balancing act and I have not found the right balance at all. Perhaps it’s just not meant to be.
I guess I have turn over the computer. He wants to search for bluebirds – have a good day.
everyone needs a break, i will miss your posts if you choose to not post for a week. I find often you are in the same boat I am in, so it helps me continue moving!
I am not going stop posting. I am going to stop sharing. I want to see if my sharing posts really does anyone any good. I decided to see if posting as many as allowed a day will have more impacts than all the sharing I do.
sorry i misunderstood, i suspect it will in fact have an impact.
I am always viewing all the posts that I have not seen whenever I would post.
You are a very very busy man.
Everyone also needs to take care of themselves and get some rest.
We all need to find what works best for us. Please make sure you are resting enough.
I have no current bluebirds to share but will look back in my archives for older ones perhaps.
Stay tuned. 🙂