
Love ItLove It

I am grateful for……..

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  1. Getting a good night rest: Getting a good night’s rest helps me wake up refreshed and happy instead of groggy because of the lack of sleep. I do consider myself a friendly person, but when I lack sleep I’m the total opposite! On a side note, Pepsi is my mood booster, which is another thing to be grateful for.
  2. Being able to shower regularly: There are some that do not have access to a shower, as well as some that do have access, yet they do not use it regularly. Being able to shower at least 2 times a day is very well something that I’m grateful for. And besides, I sing my best music in the shower, hehe.
  3. Being on good terms with key people in my life: I understand that not all friendships are built to last forever, and for the most part I dread being on bad terms with anyone. But, I’m thankful to be on good terms with close ones like my mother, sister and for the most part the rest of my family.
  4. My new church: Just recently I found a new church that has re-motivated me to attending church. This church has everything that I look for in a church as far as its community involvement and its make-up of the church.
  5. Side jobs: l will be the first to say that, no! The economy is not booming! The only people that claim the economy is booming are rich people. If it were booming then I would not need a side job, which I’m very grateful to have. I consider Virily as one of my side jobs because it does put money in my account. Am I right? If it weren’t for side jobs, then I would have to work another part time or full-time job, which would cut deeply into my livelihood. Other side jobs I have are eBay, and Empire Casting as a background extra for shows Chicago Med, Fire, and PD. All assist me with making ends meet, and keeping money flowing into my accounts.

#Grateful#Thankful#ThomasGouard #EmpireCasting #Virily #Church #Mood #Chicago #Sidejobs


What do you think?

Written by Thomas Gouard

Im a military veteran; a full-time college student, and a fitness addict. Fueled by inspiration; God's word; endorphins and laughter!


  1. It is important to stop and take a moment to be thankful.
    I have to say adding a good nights rest made me smile. Then I realized how important that really is to me as well.


        • One of my goals will be to go about my every day life like I’am broke., even when I have the money to spend. College is definitely an experience.

          • College for me was life-changing. At first, I struggled with where and what I was going to be. For a long time I was going to be the next great poet!

            But over time I moved to education. From education my interest in computers was sparked and a life was born!

        • I hope to never experience what I experienced after leaving the military. I had no hope! Moving to Chicago gave me hope again because of the opportunities that opened up for me. So many doors were shut, despite me having military experience in the fields I applied for.

          • Thank you for your service!
            I remember struggling with what I was going to be. I promise you the other side is different.

            Luckily you understand that because you lived the other side in the military!

        • I have affirmations posted on my mirror to keep hopeful thoughts while searching because it does get draining filling out several applications in one day.

    • And I’m grateful to be able to communicate with many of you : )

      Hehe, that will be featured on my next ; ) I’ll start putting it together this week, but I cannot feature anything I have featured before.

        • Definitely not kissing its a** because there are things that they do that really tick me off. My numbers have struggle previously because I was not able to put hashtags, but just recently I found out a cheat way to add hashtags in my writings. There is more, but I keep quiet! Overall, I’m thankful to be able to make that extra money from sharing my writings and opinions.