My daughter Stacy came for a visit, and my husband Ray thought it would be fun for us to dye eggs, so we did.

As I was coloring a few blue eggs, I immediately thought of Carol’s favorite color lol, and just had to color her an egg. Hope this brings a smile to your face dear friend.. I will use this egg in your honor, and fix some deviled eggs lol.
Stacy made one specially for me and her step-dad Ray. Such a sweetie!

I would have colored eggs with other Virily members names on them, but we ran out of eggs. Hope you all have a blessed day dear friends. You all are in my thoughts today
Going to church today-Christ is risen!
Image Credit-LaJenna
Happy Easter dear. We Orthodox Christians celebrate on April 28th. From me the Easter eggs of this year’s eggs will come later. Be blessed you always think of All of us.
Wow, I love the colours of the eggs!
very sweet colours!
Nice of you to think about us 🙂
have a good time 🙂
What a fun and a great idea. 🙂
You are so kinda always thinking of me and the same here. Love my blue egg. 🙂
Happy Easter!
You are very welcome my dear friend.
I don’t know what is Easter exactly about ?
Thank you Doc for the Easter wishes.
I hope you have a wonderful day as well!!!