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Gratitude Has to be Learned

People are not born grateful. Gratitude is something that must be taught and practiced. Like any other skill if you stop practicing it takes some time to get back on track. It’s November and great time to remember to be grateful. Some of us will be celebrating Thanksgiving this month so that is an added reminder for some.

How can gratitude be taught? The only successful way I have seen is by example and being included in the process. The more we are looking for things to be thankful for the more you will find. If you aren’t looking for them, they aren’t likely to fall on your head.

My mom was 5 ft nothing and full of fight. She was stubborn and loving. If we did not thank her and others for their hard work, the chores became ours. My family was not thrilled when I forgot to thank Mom for dinner because for a very long time the only thing I knew how to cook was spaghetti. No one wants that every night! My family was hard pressed to teach me some gratitude and quickly.

(Part two to follow)


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. It should be something that you don’t have to think about – you just do it. If somebody holds a door open for me, I have said thank you before I’ve gone through it, but I don’t always find the same level of courtesy from others.

    • That is true if you were ever taught gratitude you know what it is. In some family gratitude has never been taught. Often times I have to teach that in my school classes.