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Cilibar (amber)

Cilibar (amber, amber) is not really a stone! It was created as a miraculous blend of various vegetable resins from trees that grew 50 million years ago, primarily in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea region. Contains hydrogen, oxygen, carbon in the form of succinic acid, essential oils in which water bubbles are preserved ..The amber is a waxy look, honey yellow. It can be found with admixtures of bluish green, red or brown. It is a fossilized remnant of crushed wood, which was extinct and lost water for a long time.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

Amber reduces inflammation and accelerates wound healing, reduces blood pressure and chest pain.

Necklaces for babies are specially designed amber necklaces, which are known all over the world. From the time the babies begin to grow their teeth, the growth process can become very painful. Parents use various means to reduce pain in the baby, such as various gels and oils. One of the oldest ways is an amber necklace.


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19 Points

Written by Branka Drobnjak


  1. I am very curious about this object. I know from you that this is not a stone. But is it considered to bring good luck to the wearer or bearer of this fossilized thing?
