I took the base image of this photo in January of 2015 while out photographing trains with a friend of mine. We went to the Mannheim Metra Station as it is usually a great place to get some very nice photos. The station is for commuters – the trains don’t stop on weekends – but there is quite a lot of freight activity on the weekends.
One of the photos I took turned out horribly, mainly due to a very washed out sky but I didn’t want to give up on it. Since no amount of editing seemed to be able to fix the sky, I decided to replace it using Affinity Photo 1.5.
Here is my result.
CP No. 6034 EMD SD40-2 (2015-01-24 10-50-24b)
The sky in the photo was completely washed out so I replaced it with the sky from a photo I took of the clouds over Lake Superior in Ontonagon County, Upper Peninsula Michigan (2007-07-14 18-33-13). Then I lowered the brightness and increased the contrast.
© 2017 Gary J. Sibio. All rights reserved.