
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 132

I have shared pictures of my wife’s mosaic artwork before. In fact, while this cup was being made, I shared a picture of it. Now, it is finished and on my desk in my office. Because of the glue used for the mosaics, it isn’t advised to drink out of the cup, plus I have my father’s day cup. I need loose stuff on my desk cup! The cup is beautiful and makes a great addition to my desk. There are times I wish I had her eye on creating things like this.

Over the years she has tried some creative endeavors. When we first met, she was working for an educational TV company as an intern. She was converting a Dutch television program to English. The Dutch program was called “if you paint you see more.” I don’t remember much more of the program than that. But it is an early example of my wife’s artistic abilities. She was also, for many years in school and community theater an actress. Much more creative than I am!

Anyone can join the photo challenge! My new slogan is “if you share you see more!”


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!