I am going to start a thing called tell all Tuesday where I get on and just tell you about my Tuesday and what I did. Today I did not do much. Basically, I took my boys to school well one because the other woke up with like 101 fever which took me all day to get down. I mean my boys are like super heroes they won’t even let you know that they are sick or anything because they don’t want to miss school or because they want to run around the house and play.
Today my little man was so upset that he was crying and it just broke my heart because I couldn’t do anything but give him medication and rub his feet for some odd reason. Yes, he wanted me to rub his little feet. My son is five and the oldest is eight and they are a joy to have. I love them and that is what I did to day. I also helped my son with his speech since he was home because he needs speech therapy and I am trying to do my part and make sure that he gets help at home too.
This is my Tell all Tuesday so stay tuned for a Tell all Wednesday and for the rest of the days as well. I am really trying to make this a thing right now and I just want to see if it even works out in my favor haha.
Saw all your posts, great work 🙂
I hope your son will get better soon.
Nice post.
And it’s a nice idea to write about your day. Looking forward for more.
Nice Information.
Thank you very much! I sat up for a while thinking about what I was going to write on tnis site because I am on others where I write as well haha.
Great idea, looking forward to more!
Thank you! I can’t wait to read more from you as well.