This is an actual head-dress from a distant relative of my husband. My sister-in-law gets to keep it. Have you ever seen a wedding head-dress like this one.This is the actual frame it was stored in. This piece has to be an antique. I know his sister will never sell it, and I don’t blame her.
This is a beautiful treasure. Never seen on, it has to be rare.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Thank you for commenting tasartcraft
Wonderful great article.
Thank you Branka for commenting
wonderful great article 🙂
Thank you hamza for the compliment.
”Pleasure is mine!!!! 🙂
An article like this one is priceless.
Thank you Deepizzaguy for this one of a kind compliment.
You are welcome since some items that belong to our ancestors are priceless to have inside a home.