<a href="https://nextwavehire.com/blog/view/catfishing-and-careers-why-employer-branding-dating-online.htmlhttps:/www.nextwavehire.com/blog/view/catfishing-and-careers-why-employer-branding-dating-online.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Nora Linton raced to Peppers with an expectation she had never held before. As she entered, this handsome man, exactly like the photo she had seen online, was watching the door…. Watching The Door!
As he saw her, his face burst into a smile. He rose from the stool, walked to her and said;
“I am Greg, Please tell me you are Nora.”
Unable to speak, she nodded. She was absolutely overwhelmed.
“Are you hungry?” he asked.
She nodded.
“What would you like?” he asked.
She suggested Italian and he made his perfect smile and moved to the door, which he opened for her. He led her to a virtually new car, opened the door for her, then went around to his side, got in. Just before he started the engine; “You are as I imagined,” he said
The rest of the evening felt like a dream. Nora had never had a more perfect date in her live. When he dropped her off with a promise to see her tomorrow, she was afraid to let him go. But go he did, and in a daze she staggered into her apartment sorry he wasn’t with her.