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Avoiding Mediocrity – 6/30/17

1. Focus upward. In order to progress, you must begin to look up. You look up so that you will be able to see the new levels that you must attain in life. Look up to see which glass ceilings you must break within your life. Look up so that you will be able to see which ones that are around you who are not looking up. Then, avoid those who are continually looking down. Do not become snobbish by looking down at people. Do not become depressed by looking down at some of the circumstances that you are going through. Keep looking up.

2. Organize. When you organize your thoughts properly, then you will be able to make new discoveries within your life. You have all of the resources you need right now in order to make a successful future. However, you must find the thing that will change your future. That ‘Eureka’ moment is right under your nose. Organization will uncover that new idea.

3. Focus on the good things that you do. We all make mistakes. However, you must not focus on them. Rather, you focus upon your daily accomplishments.

4. Production is based upon your input. Whatever you put into something is what the end result will eventually be. If you put total effort into a project, then you will receive maximized results. If you do nothing, then you will receive nothing in the future.

5. The present is the seed for your future. Watch your future grow by planting seeds of good deeds and good words today.

6. Learn the concept of manifestation. We live in a three-dimensional world: length, width, and height. Therefore, progression must occur in all three dimensions presently before you see results. For length, you must move forward. For width, you must expand your range of expertise. For height, you must desire to climb higher and focus upward, which is the #1 tip for this week.

7. Anticipate the times. Since we are almost into fall season, we must anticipate the times by preparing for the cold in the winter. Anticipation will put your thinking process ahead of the mediocre masses; thus, you will be able to avoid mediocrity.


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14 Points

Written by ahol888

Coolest dwarf in the world. Expert on the topic of mediocrity.


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