
The Wild Grains of Fall.

Early one Fall morning, I decided to take a walk to the back fields with the goal of photographing the Canadian Geese, and various ducks that came in to feed on the recent cut corn. I managed to get within a few hundred yards of the flock, but had no good cover and didn’t want to spook them off. They soon all lit to the air in a massive flock that darkened the sky as they crested the tree line. All this I managed to get a video of, but It didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped for. So I was left sitting in the grass, about to go on my way, as the sun brightened from the haze in the air. A glimmer appeared in front of my face and demanded a photo, and i obliged.


What do you think?

Written by JasonsWorld


    • Thank you!! That is a cell phone pic, as are most of the ones i post. I am by no means a professional photographer, I just love nature and the outdoors, work and play that’s where i spend most of my time!

        • Thank you, with my body wearing out from a lifetime of working in heavy construction, I find myself trying to find a career that matches my lifestyle, and abilities to still go all day, but not the same as I was once able, and it’s frustrating, especially to someone labeled as ‘Hyperactive” from the age of 3.

  1. This reminds me of when I was waiting for my husband to finish getting a cataract removed. I took my camera to the storm drain access between the medical buildings and housing tracts and started looking for interesting things in the weeds and trees. I always find them if I’ve got a camera. If we really look, we can find a lot of photo worthy subjects, just as you did here.
