
Love ItLove It

This Would Just be Fun!

I would love to have an aquarium of florescent fish. I had an aquarium for many years, but nothing as fun as this lived in our waters. I think my husband said we had to get rid of the it when the grandkids couldn’t seem to keep their hands off of it. They are old enough now we could probably do that again. Hummm, let me think about that. More mouths to feed. More cleaning to do. Do I really need more work or can I come here, look at the picture and simple appreciate that?

Not much of description, but here it is 

  •  GloFish fluorescent fish are born brilliant! They are not injected or dyed.
  •  Add more color to your aquarium!

I will stop by ocassionally and visit them here. Good decision saved me at least $100.00 and a lot of work!


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. Fish and tanks are not easy to maintain.
    Many many years ago, We used to keep Lohan fish (when there is the trend)
    and the cleaning is really a nightmare. Also the electricity use for the pumps and the live food (frogs) they eat … its all adds up.