After the Lunapic effect, but this post shows the answer to the mystery what the picture before was all about. Click the link at the beginning to see the one with the Lunapic photo editing effect on it. I do not know why only a few mumbers on the edit. Can you figure it out?
Image Credit-LaJenna
The way you did the five it looked like a symbol and not a number. Very tricky one.
Well Kim it is Lunapics fault lol It was how an effect applied to the clock lol.
Really hard to guess , amy be the text in side wall clock
The picture of the clock is the answer to the other post where the clock looked edited.This is the answer to the other post.
I’ve no idea what the edit does… but its makes it more fun guessing!!
And I’m ready to do the silly dance coz I got it right!!
lol so happy you got it right, and I will try to stump you the next time lol.
Depends on the type of edit you used. I guessed correctly.
Great you got it right, I knew you would get it first off, now to find one to stump you lol.
Nope, I haven’t a clue but a very interesting clock.
This is the answer to my previous post where I edited this clock to try to fool views. This is the answer.