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We dug the stone from the ground. We split the stone and put it on the pallete. It is fun when we get to view what is was turned into and how they mixed it with a stone from another quarry. We laugh because we actually have a great track record of identifying individual rocks. It almost like a member of the family while it is still on the pallet.
Each of us examined the picture. Each of us counted the stones that came from our quarry. Independently each of us came up the number 27 that we could say with confidence came from our stone quarry. I think they did a fine job with the stone. I think the mason did a great job. I wouldn’t mind sitting in front of that fire right now.
Then what is the name of the stone that you have found?
Oh I love that fireplace. I really wish I had one, I love fires.
This photo looks so inviting on any day, but on a cold wintery day, extra inviting.
I work for company who supplies stone cladding. I must say that I have grown to have a certain love and respect for this natural product
I have similar one at my home! It’s the reason number one why do I love winters!