
Fashion and Style: Are You a Hat Person?

Have you ever noticed in a family where there are several siblings there is usually one sibling that likes to cover their head?  They will wear hats, caps, berets, bandanas.  They have to wear something on their head!  I think it’s more of a comfort or security thing than it is a fashion statement.

But for some people wearing a hat is a fashion statement or for the purpose of looking classy or fly.  One thing about the ladies in British royalty.  They get to wear great hats!

During my years at university (1972-1976) I enjoyed wearing hats and other headwraps.  It was a very stylish way to cover up a bad hair day. LOL.

There are lots of posts about hats on Instagram.  Here are a few.  Let me know what you think.

** Related Posts:

Wearing a Beret: Fashion and Style Inspired by a Movie

Indian Cinema: Fashion (2008)

National Hair Hairstyles on Instagram

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What do you think?