Here are the answers to Tuesday’s spot the difference game.
The original with the answers. Blue circles mean things were added. Red squares means things are missing, and green triangles means changed objects. There are 25 changes total.
The edit with the answers.
My list…
There are 9 objects added.
1. Blue stars on tie.
2. Blue stars on clown shoes.
3. More shadow added to window.
4. Man has two sets of sunglasses on.
5. Blue balloon has added spots.
6. Extra star on man with two sets of glasses.
7. Added star on dogs collar.
8. Added star on clown’s shirt.
9. Added star on wagon.
There are 8 changed things.
1. Wheel on cart is different color.
2. Poodle legs and haircut is different.
3. Pipe is white over brick.
4. Dogs head and face are bigger.
5. Man in black shirt head is enlarged.
6. Tree is wider on top of frame.
7. Mans head is upside down.
8. Clowns nose is not red.
and 8 missing objects.
1. String on yellow balloon is missing.
2. Top part of small window.
3. Tree leaves.
4. Top of pipe.
5. Mans arm.
6. Wire by pipes.
7. Right side of buidling is changed.
8. Blonde guy is missing his shoes.
I would like to thank @caroldm and @mommyofeli2013 for your participation!!
You are welcome Carol, you did really well, you are a master!
Thank you for the game! It’s a lot of fun 🙂
Glad you liked them, : )
Thanks again for the challenge of these “brain” games Kim. 🙂