Walk away
from all negativity
Push these feeling
as hard as you can
out of the circle
of fear
Keep walking
until possibilities
a smile of hope
Take this day
hold it in your hands
and kiss the possibilities
into your world
Life tends to cause people negative emotions along the way. Just by thinking more positively life can leave us smiling.
I had to read this poem again. It is very good.
Use the negative and positive to push forward towards good…Generations and creativity produces good and the differculties soon are past….as we move forward and upward…
Generative thinking turning all into good..
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
You expressed your feelings perfectly. Thank you!
Thanks, LaJenna. I’ve shared this on my social media
Thank you Thomas for your thoughtfulness.
a child might ask?
with eyes open and wide
does a heart of stone bleed?
Does a heart of stone cry?
as we stand silently swaying
in the wind.
hush child
it is time for bed…
Your poetry puts mine to shame. Yours has raw emotion and speaks loud and clear. I guess I have to learn a lot from you my coach. Wow such powerful words!
Your words inspired mine. Poetry is the give and take, the idea and the presentation! i would not call mine better, just different!
You always are so humble. Your poems are brilliant!
so are your poems sis! they are full of emotion and imagery of what you see!
Excellent my friend. Negativity can cause so much emotional and mental damage. Walk away!
Thank you Carol, I have been setting up boundaries and walking away a lot easier these days.
One good thing about social distancing is that I have really found out who is in my circle and who is not. I will continue to “walk away from all negativity.”
I know your feeling all too well. A friend I know is mentally disabled who seem to care more about seeing us than practicing social distancing. I feel helpless at times.