Now You See Me 2 is a 2016 movie and a sequel to a 2013 American heist thriller film “Now You See Me”. The film depicts on the life of Four Horsemen, a group of street magicians brought together and led by former FBI agent and son of the late illusionist Lionel Shrike named Dylan Rhodes played by Mark Ruffalo (Hulk/Bruce Banner of Avengers). These four magicians comprising the not-so-infamous Four Horsemen were (1) J. Daniel Atlas aka The Lover, an arrogant illusionist, played by Jesse Eisenberg (Mark Zuckerberg of Social Network; Lex Luthor of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice); (2) Merritt McKinney the Hermit, a hypnotist, mentalist and self-proclaimed psychic and the oldest of them all, played by Woody Harrelson (Haymitch Abernathy of The Hunger Games); (3) Jack Wilder the Death, a sleight of hand illusionist, street magician specializing card tricks, and a talented impressionist of other people’s voices. He was once a pickpocketer, and the youngest of them all, played by Dave Franco (Perry of Warm Bodies; Eric Molson of 21 Jump Street); and Lula May, their newest member replacing Henley Reeves the High Priestess (an escapist and stage magician and ex-lover of J. Daniel Atlas) who was played before by Isla Fisher (Jodie Figgis of The Brothers Grimsby; Gloria Cleary of The Wedding Crashers). Lula May was played by Lizzy Caplan (Amy Burley of True Blood; Tina Greer of Smallville).
Also in the cast was Thaddeus Bradley, a magic debunker who expose the tricks of other magicians. He was played by Morgan Freeman (God of Bruce Almighty; Lucius Fox of Batman movie series).
The antagonists in this movie were Arthur Tressler, Four Horsemen’s former sponsor who wants revenge for losing his money and power, played by Michael Caine (Alfred Pennyworth of Batman movie series). His illegitimate young technology tycoon son named Walter Mabry also plays as Four Horsemen’s nemesis. He was played by Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter of Harry Potter movie series).
This movie has a production budget of $90 million and has earned a box-office income of $334.9 million. With scenes shot in London, New York City and Macau, China.
This movie is good for those who are avid fan of magic and tricks. David Copperfield and Harry Houdini fans will surely love watching this movie plus with mind-boggling twists explaining how does magic works.
Based on their production staffs, Now You See Me 3 will be released as the 3rd franchise of the movie with a comeback of Isla Fisher’s character and Benedict Cumberbatch (Stephen Strange of Doctor Strange) as one of the newest cast (seems like they’re hiring actors who once played on a magic-themed movies like Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter).
So these are all my review about this movie. I could give 5 star and 2 thumbs up. David Blaine certainly loves this movie too.
I have provided a trailer for this movie below if you haven’t watched this yet, better check its trailer.
I saw this movie and loved it!
yeah this one has really tricks and did enjoyed it too.. 🙂
Great review…I loved the movie!
im very grateful…hope u will watch it soon…:)
Interesting premise for a film.
thanks for dropping by 🙂
hope u had fun reading my movie review 😉