Episode 007, Green Tomato Cow
Our serial series is set in Kenneth Shumaker’s medieval fantasy realm of Quantos. We find the Apprentice Mage Morgus is out from the Mage’s University and on his one-year walk-about before he returns for his journeyman certification test on Autumn 50 of Pine, during the reign of King Regeanus III in the royal city of Mount Oryn’s South State district. Our intrepid hero, with a checkered past, is an attractive thirty-three-year-old human Jalnoric male with a bold personality and is determined to survive his walk-about year at any cost, even if it means snuggling in and working with nobility.
To now continued in Morgus E007, “Green Tomato Cow”, part 3.
Autumn 85 Unicorn
Toaren boldly replies, “If any more workers are brought on my site by the journeymen, then I want a hundred Flairs fee paid to me as accountability for the worker to be here. Our agreement is for Renol workers to be hired for the site, so I’m imposing a penalty for my tradesman hiring a non-Renol.”
Frustrated, Morgus frowns and grunts. Watching Toaren, Morgus says, “Fine, done to both of you. He starts tomorrow morning. I’ll send him to see you this afternoon.”
Walking back to the village, Morgus enters the stable to find Sesan mucking stalls. “Hey, gods-grace and good fate. Sorry that I’m late. But you’re now a carpenter’s apprentice with free Journeyman Carpenter Tensen, out at the logging site camp. You’re to head there now if you agree.”
Stopping and staring at Morgus, Sesan mumbles a moment and then asks, “You’re serious?”
Nodding, Morgus offers his arm.
Slowly, Sesan reaches out his arm and clasps. Saying, “How do I thank you?”
Winking mischievously, Morgus boldly says, “Do your best work, learn quickly, become a master, and I’ll be repaid with a wondrous thank you.”
Shaking his head, Sesan asks, “Who are you?”
Firmly Morgus answers, “I’m a pirate, Mage Morgus of Lenden Estates, your friend.”
Nodding, Sesan releases his clasp grip.
Morgus says, “Now go see your new master at the logging camp before much time passes.”
Sitting in Hessan’s extravagantly opulent office, the pampaloo nods. “Your solution is fine, but you will have to fund it yourself until you earn your place as my chamberlain. I will not fund this apprenticeship.”
Sighing, taking a drink of Larap’s rare wine, Morgus asks, “Then may I send Bushnel with my coins to Renol, tomorrow?”
Pondering this, tapping his desk, Larap watches Morgus, and then he nods. “Okay, I won’t be using him tomorrow.”
Autumn 86 Unicorn
Sitting with Bushnel on the driver’s seat of the extravagant Hessan carriage as they leave Renol fief, Morgus says, “Thank you for bringing me and agreeing to stop at 1018 again.”
Laughing, Bushnel encourages the four horses onward to their next destination which is not far away. The husbandman and carriage driver for Hessan’s estate replies, “For you, I’ll do this. But you’ll owe me, Master Morgus. Remember that when you’re Baron Hessan’s new chamberlain … I’ve heard the rumours.”
Slapping Bushnel’s shoulder, Morgus says, “If I have your support, I won’t forget, my friend.
They pull up to the two-story wooden house and Morgus jumps down, knocking on the door at an hour after evening meal time.
Leza opens the door, with an expression fluttering from excitement, joy, and then to looking puzzled. She asks, “Why are you here, Master Morgus?”
Kissing her hand, he asks her, “Did your brother give you the news?”
Smirking and blushing, she says, “Yes, thank you for getting him the apprenticeship. But we can’t pay you.”
Winking, Morgus turns and walks away. As Morgus climbs onto the carriage, he calls back. “You just did. The carriage will pick you up in five days for a midday meal at Hessan manor. Be ready for the carriage at gods-rise on Winter one.”
Riding away, Morgus asks Bushnel, “You’ll be sure to retrieve her on Winter 1?”
“Of course, Master Morgus,” Grins Bushnel, as they return home.
Morgus’ nerves are getting the better of him. On their return to Hessan manor, his feet tap away at a tune on the floorboards of the driver’s box.
They arrive well after dark, but Morgus skips evening meal. He goes to his room to write in his journal and study the chamberlain’s tomes before retiring to bed.
By, Kenneth Shumaker.
To be continued in the next Morgus episode 108, ‘Green Rabbit Bottle’ …
Generally, work continues for Morgus, except for the return of past horrors striking out at him with a vengeance. Morgus calls to the aid of those of Hessan estate to resolve the issue, but who survives?
©2017 by Kenneth Shumaker with Inevitable Unicorn Press
Join Kenneth Shumaker (Rusty Knight) in his Dragoman Bloodgrue Volume collection anthologies. The first in the series, ‘Dragoman Bloodgrue, Volume I: Fare Where?’ is a collection of the first four episodes of the Dragoman Bloodgrue serial series. Read how Bloodgrue tests the gods’ resolve. Do the gods let the brave be fools? Is Bloodgrue brave or a fool? Follow Bloodgrue to see where his life’s path leads him. In ‘Dragoman Bloodgrue, Volume I: Fare Where?’ we are introduced to a young Bloodgrue as he begins his journey climbing the social ranks of Mount Oryn in North Docks. Find this fine colour print volume to purchase as a paperback or e-book on:
: Amazon
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Coming soon in 2018, we have Kenneth’s second medieval fantasy novel, ‘Dendar: Souls of Desperation’, in the ‘Lost Souls’ series.
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Thank you, yours sincerely, Kenneth, with Inevitable Unicorn Press (InUPress).
Do i detect a hint of romance in the air?
Yes, Sir, maybe? Could be?
Wow! This post was Awesome! Thank you for the detailed information!
You’re Welcome, Gina.
very amazing and beautiful post
Thank you, was there a favourite part?