This is how an open list works. The title is Meghan Trainor (she’s a songwriter and singer). I put the first thing it. It is a routine we do at the gym to one of her songs. I like her music. I want you to find a song on youtube done by Meghan Trainor, even if you have never heard of her and put it here. If you can stand a song find a picture. If you can find anything write why you can’t. Just once I would love to see an Open List really work. PLEASE PARTICIPATE!
#1 “Dance Like Yo Daddy” by || Meghan Trainor ||
We don't look as good as these guys, but we this at the gym three times a week.
#2 Meghan Trainor – Better When I'm Dancin'
It might be better if others would play with me, but I have learned to take care of myself. So I must do every submission I will. It's sad, pathetic, but true!
I love watching people dancing. Our children are good dancers.
I wish I could dance like that
All The best for trying again