
A Crazy Meeting – Part XII

<a href=",_Birkenhead_-_DSC04922.JPG" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

Sean Pine, thinking that Lorraine was someone called Marlene, who shared his belief in Wicca, suddenly had a smile.

As Lorraine had been on a Message Board devoted to him, there was some explanation of his ‘religion’ and the practices.    Pulling on the memory she said

;“Wish you a happy Yuletide..”

His smile remained and he looked at the small plastic trees on sale,

“They don’t even know they celebrate a Wiccan festival…”

“That’s what I was thinking,” Lorraine said

.He began to talk, not as pompous as he had at the Science Fiction Convention, but with that sense of ‘Look at Me!’  like a little boy standing up in class, to show the teacher and the other children, he could recite a poem.

She noted other people giving him nauseated glances, but he wouldn’t notice anything but himself.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar