“Small Town Boy” is the second single of a yet untitled and unannounced third album by Dustin Lynch. Two thirds of the lose songwriting group Georgia Peach Pickers Rhett Akins and Ben Hayslip with the help of Kyle Fishman wrote this temporary ditty, which is currently climbing the charts. The lyrics are just plain dumb (even Trump’s tweets have more coherence), full of cliches but still senseless. Unfortunately as well, the whole song shares the same beat progression as so many others in the country charts, and it seems that the listeners are starting to get tired to get served the same thing with just a tad of different lyrics over and over again.
The sales numbers for “Small Town Boy” are way down, so it’s not sure if Dustin Lynch can double down and celebrate another number #1 hit as he did with the first single “”Seein’ Red” from his anticipated third album, the just released official video, may help a bit, at least with streaming numbers. A cameo by Australian acress Claire Holt known from the TV series “Vampire Diaries” may also help a bit, to lift the song out of it’s mediocrity.
Dustin is currently finishing part of a West Coast tour, some shows with Florida Georgia Line, then he will be hitting the East Coast as a featured act on Brad Paisley’s tour.
You called it right on this so-called country song!
Pretty sad state of affairs if you ask me.
True. You are correct there.
I love country music from the very old to today’s
Me too – but I have a problem with the labeling these days – people like Dustin Lynch, Sam Hunt, Chris Lane and many others don’t have any roots in country music anymore. In my honest opinion it’s a bad mix of pop/R&B and now even some Hip Hop. Where are songs that tell stories? That may actually feature a traditional instrument? Or actually real singing and not Pro Tools adjusted vocals. And don’t get me wrong – I do love good produced pop, R&B and even Hip Hop (mostly the early stuff from the 80s, before it started getting gentrified like every other genre.