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Playing with images by oscarps

Separating images is one of the basic skills. In case you are new to Photoshop, this is a good way to familiarize yourself with your selection tools and layers. Learning how to separate pictures will teach you how to use shortcuts and make accurate selections. It is possible to edit, cut or separate anything inside the moving dotted line. In case you feel comfortable selecting the image you want to separate, go to the section to separate the image. There are a variety of different selection tools available, each with its pros and cons

#3 #4 #background nº4

In case you want to extract an image from your background, but do not leave a huge gap where the image was, you'll have to find a way to replace that space. It may be easier said than done, depending on the background. In case you have a basic and basic background like grass or ocean, the "Clone Stamp" tool will be able to copy some section of the image and use it to paint over the hole.

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24 Points

Written by oscarps


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    • Well the work of photographic editing is an essential thing in photography, then you are acquiring more and more skill with this program and it allows you to go further, it is like developing in any field of art, I see it that way.

        • When you acquire a cap you are looking to break that limit (there is a good one but very simple of Google Picassa) later you discover another parallel world, hahaha, in photography is Photoshop. Count on me if I can help you in giving you some notions, regards, my friend.

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