
Making People Think Your are Psychic – Part 2

The key feature of Sherlock Holmes, (and Greg House, his derivative) is that they are in the moment. They see exactly what is in front of them now. ‘

They hear what is being said, they are fully aware of themselves and others at this very second. Because of this focus, Holmes could easily see ink stains on a finger, mislaced boots, and deduce the person had hastily written a letter and dressed so quickly that they did not appreciate they had mislaced their boots.

Hence it was easy to see the ‘clues’  then one had to be able to interpret,which is not so easy.


<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

Because Holmes (or House) lived in the ‘Now’ and were aware of what they were seeing, and able to interpret it they seemed almost psychic. They weren’t; they were just aware.

If you are as aware, as  in the moment, people with think you are psychic.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


  1. Ah, Jaylar, your title had me wondering why anyone would want others to think they were psychic whether or not they really were. But now I see you are saying that is the perception of the other people and you are so right. Mindfulness can easily be taken for a superpower.

    • Today, more than ever before, people are so distracted by cell phones, that they don’t even see what is in front of them. And when are not texting, or have the phone glued to your ear, but are living now; people believe you have a super power.
