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Last Blue On Vacation For Color Crazy Challenge

While enjoying the holidays, where my feet stepped, my eyes were looking for everything that smelled blue. This is the last post of blue for the challenge. Feel free to join and click here for the guidelines Kim’s Color Crazy Challenge.

Some of these blue stuff pictures have been obtained from several places, but some of them from one tourist place called Floating Market Lembang.

Becaks for children

These are mini rickshaws that are rented out for children in Floating Market Lembang.

Hijab Swimming Pool

Hijab Swimming Pool is a special swimming place for Muslim women who wear hijab in the tourist area of Floating Market Lembang. The heat water swimming pool is inside a closed building while the public pool is in an open location.

Parking Ticket Machine

Ambil tiket disini = Take the tickets here.

On the way to Bandung, we paused at the Atta'awun Mosque to rest and buy some snacks and drinks. It's a ticket machine to enter the mosque's parking lot that sells various souvenirs and food items.


Sign the directions to the mosque parking area. Masuk = in.


One of the train cars to tour the Floating Market Lembang tourist area for children.

Swimming Pool Entrance Door

This blue door is the entrance to the pool. At the door there is a notice that says; Swimmers are required to wear swimsuits.


This is a signboard toilet in the parking area. I only take one type so as not to be mistaken or assumed as the perpetrators of criminal acts to women.


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