Black Monday, 3.30.20
It is a warm and sunny afternoon. So, I decided to walk across the street. I ran into a friend, and he mentioned he is related to my second cousins. So, I told him that we might be second or third cousins, too. We chatted about the toilet paper issue, and he said he uses a basin now. I arrived at mini Target, and I noticed they still didn’t have toilet paper. So, I decided to continue my walk, and I went to Albertsons. They said that it is a manufacturer issue, and they haven’t gotten any toilet paper for a while. This is weird. I guess the closest to a toilet paper or basin for me is the shower. When my toilet paper runs out, I guess I will just shower after using the toilet.
Let us go back in time. Latvian living in Latvia during Soviet times experience constant shortages of toilet paper. They learned quickly to adjust and used newspapers or rags.
we are going backwards in 2020…