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365 Day Photo Challenge Day 79

The 79th day of posting (in a row I might add) pictures from my daily life. I have shared in the past a couple of pictures of my pal Dylan. He often comes and guards my office in the mornings, and late in the evenings if I am downstairs.

Today was one of those different days. Sometimes Dylan comes downstairs for some “D” time. That is where he turns on the cuteness and we’ll demands to be pet. I have to say I enjoy those mornings. It is relaxing to pet the Mighty D to start the day.

We give our dogs nicknames. Dylan has been called T-Rex, Mighthy D, Bear and Pooh Bear at various times. Raven gets Poe (she is after all named for the poet although no where near as dark and gloomy). She also gets wavy gravy and of course Your Majesty queen Raven the first.

When Dylan is in trouble, which isn’t often, he gets Dylan Thomas Pickles (his full name). Raven get’s Raven Marie Poe her full name.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!