
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 74

The other day I was wearing a T-shirt that I hadn’t worn in a few weeks (two days ago in fact). I remembered as I was walking in the back part of my office that there was a website on the back of the shirt.

If only (joke) there were a theory that described this behavior. Something perhaps like if there are two explanations for a problem the easiest is normally the correct one.

Now comes the sad part. As a person, the easy button would have been taking off the shirt and look at the website. As a technologist, I decided to take a picture of the back of the shirt using the mirror at the back of my office.

In retrospect and ultimately what I did was take the shirt off, but for a moment the love of technology solutions overcame the reality of doing the simple things. Sometimes we can work far too hard making things easier and end up with a bigger mess.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!