
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 63

To muse for today’s picture, we stop for a moment. I’ve taken some strange pictures in the past 63 days. That in part is the challenge. To in the first place find pictures that are worthy of 200 words, 100 words, even 50 words. I have those pictures in spades, but the challenge is they, the pictures must be a fresh kill. No freezer burns on these pictures. They must be from the past seven days. It makes you, during your day, stop and reflect did I take a picture today?

It also begs the question I ask all the time; I have backed up the pictures on my cell phone?

The rules of the contest are very simple. Anyone can join. You simply post a picture every day. 365 days. At first, it is a daunting task, that is a lot of days, a lot of pictures. The pictures must be less than seven days old. So at best you can be a week behind. Then you share them. I am a huge advocate as part of the family history project I started of sharing all the pictures taken. Not because I am a great photographer, I am not, but instead because pictures that are never shared were never taken. If you took the picture, share it. Don’t, as the old song says, worry if it is good enough. Just share those pictures!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I read people with many lines in their palms think a lot, feel a lot — in short, sensitive ones hahaha and that is true, in some sense, except that I learned not to take things personally — still my problem lies in the fact that my sense can easily pick up subtle emotions from other people even when they are smiling hahaha bane or boon?

  2. The only pictures I have taken the last 7 days are of receipts that are the subject of my complaint to the suppliers ??? if I run out of idea I will take a photo of my palm hahaha I always wondered about why it has so many lines
