Yesterday was interesting, as we started out the door to walk it started spitting and the clouds looked dark for forbidding. We heard or at least thought we heard the rumble of thunder in the distance (Raven, one of the dogs, doesn’t like thunderstorms). So we head back home to grab umbrellas and drop off Raven and one of the twins to watch her. As I said, she hates being outdoors during storms. As a rescue dog I am sure there is a story there, but since dogs can’t talk, we will never know that story. She also hates the sound of running water. The first summer she was with us, we took her to the Ocean. She was, a lab, terrified of water. As she got used to the water and the sound, she got in and played with her twins, but it took a few days.
As we came around the corner, the sun came back out and lit the flower bed on the far side of our neighborhood. I took quite a few pictures of the various flowers. This is a bush that sits alongside the side entrance to our neighborhood. I thought I would share a couple of the photos for today’s picture in the challenge. Funny thing, once we grabbed the umbrellas the threat of rain stopped, then once we cut the walk short and got into he house, it poured. Funny how things work out sometimes.
Raven was happy to see her missing twin. She used to panic during storms; now she just needs to sit near a human and get the occasional word of encouragement. Unless her mommy is home, then she crawls onto the couch with her mommy and rides out the storm in style, snoring.
Anyone can join the photo challenge. Why not share a picture today! (the rules are all over Virily!)
She looks so lovely!
Thank you so much! I am not the best photographer but I try!
Beautiful ointment flowers for the eye and soul of a person
Thanks! Seeing all these beautiful flowers here on Virily has inspired me to share more of my own flower pictures!
Thanks! I love flowers, have since I was a little kid.
Flowers and boats seem to be the one thing I can capture well. Everything else is hit or miss (mostly miss).
She looks so lovely!
Lately, even our flowers picture become close friends.
🙂 this is true Albert. Flowers are the doorway to beauty..