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365 Day Photo Challenge Day 147

For those that remember my collections spree as part of the Photo Challenge, you may recall that I love the old Christmas TV show Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Well, I love the entire series, I think there were two made. One of my favorite parts of the show was the Isle of Misfit Toys. For many reasons, I won’t do a therapy session here now, as to why I connected with the Isle but I did. Now, looking back I think it is because I have created the Isle of Misfit Technology.

The picture is of a panorama device. Place your phone or camera into the or onto the device, and it will slowly (or quickly) turn automatically. It was one of many great ideas that wandered past my desk as I thought and think about better ways to take pictures. I am not good at seeing great pictures so I take a lot of pictures hoping to find the right one. This was one such, hey this might be a great idea.

Anyone can join the photo challenge – if you do, you’ll yourself taking more pictures!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wow, I wouldn’t know what that is before reading your post! By the way, if you haven’t talked about this before, what do you think about smartphone lenses? Are they worth it?

    • Sounds like a great idea for a future post (smart phone lenses). I have talked about smart phone adapted lens (360, IR, UV) but not the actual add on lenses.
