
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 129

Today, the picture is of a bag. Original huh! A bag. Like all of you don’t have a bag in your house already. Who doesn’t right? We have bags for just about everything. So why is this crazy guy talking about a bag? That is my boating go-bag. Part of boating safety is being able to exit the boat safely. A go bag includes some things you might need. Food, water, and a beacon (that allows the Coast Guard first to know who is in trouble and second to find you).

Why today then? Is this being Easter Sunday and all?

That is because today is the first official day of our annual boating season. Last year we started in Mid-March (it was a little warmer in March last year). This year we hadn’t moved the boat from its winter storage until well, today.

So the go-bag gets to go!

Anyone can join the photo challenge, just snap a picture and away you go!

29th day thumb free!!!!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!