
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 119

We fell well short of the worst case weather predictions of 6-8 inches of snow, but 4 inches of really heavy snow can wreak havoc.  Or in this case, bend the limbs of a tree all the way down to the edge of our deck. Our evening walk was interesting (lunch was spent clearing the driveway and sidewalk in front of the house). The snow shows up cool on the weather video that I posted from yesterday.

I asked one of the twins to go out and clear off the lens of the camera on the video, so you see snow, then you see snow falling, then you see snow again.

The tree on the other hand slowly over the course of the day moved further and further down. I guess the snow was heavier together than the weight of anyone flake. Heavier together brought down a branch! Now someone has to go out and cut the branch off the tree. Someone’s probably me, and that isn’t a fun job (on the ladder cutting a tree limb off.).

Snow is beautiful as it falls, but the impact it has on me isn’t so much beautiful.

Oh well.

Another thumb free picture day!

Anyone can join the photo challenge. Take a picture (less than seven days old) and share it!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Well the good news is that for once it wasn’t a site error (we have had far too many of the site errors) and there is no such thing as a late replay. Reply when you have time!!
