This is #203 of the 365 day photo challenge. Anyone can join, just share a photo for 365 days.
At this time I was helping Ray cut the grass. He was recovering from surgery. Now he is better and cutting the yard. The women standing by me is Ester, and she sure is a great neighbor. She checks on us often making sure we are we are doing good.
Do you have good neighbors?
Yes I do have good neighbors. I hope the new ones behind us will be good ones too. They are almost done with the last house.
I hope they will be good to you as I am sure you will be to them,
Great photo. I live on a very short block with two more houses and on the main street several houses one of which has apartments. I have no idea who my neighbors are.
We all watch over each others homes. It is a good feeling.
You’ve really good neighbours.
Our neighbours are good people, but we aren’t that close.
Still sometimes when she sees our plants withering, she’ll help water them.
We’re grateful!
Awesome she helps water plants.
we are lucky (as you are) to have great neighbors. The best ones we ever had were the ones next to us in Indiana. We could literally call our neighbor and say, can the twins come to your house until one of us gets home.
She always said yes. She was a rock star. I miss her and her husband!
Thank you Doc, she took care of our cat too before.
That is awesome – neighbors that check-in and help you are the best!!!!
Nice post, thanks for sharing.
Thank you Hina for commenting.
Oh , who is this mom left to you ?
Witty this is my neighbor Ester.