This is #163 of the 365 day photo challenge. Anyone can join, just post a photo for 365 days.
I decided to play around and have fun using Lunapic photo editing effect. This is a gift I received from my one daughter. She knows I love grape things, and things, so she sent me this a few years ago. Can you tell what this is?
Have a great day, and enjoy the little things as Carol always gently reminds us.
Thank you tasartcraft for the nice comment.
but wouldn’t you have to make all the wax evaporate completely?
Just as long as you want to put the scent in the air. If it gets too low, then replace it with a new one. Thank you!
but if the two were different scents… nevermind
Not sure …
Is it for burning those healing/flavoured incense?
It could be, but if I am remembering correctly, it helps melts scented waxes. Thank you!
oh i see … I haven’t used those before…
I’m quite sensitive to some fragrance…
sometimes I cannot stay long in a scent shop
Some type of lamp perhaps. Thanks for the mention. 🙂
Thank you Carol, it helps melt scented waxes. Forgot what it is called!
nice image , thank you for sharing
Thank you Witty Feeds for the feedback.
You are most welcome , I enjoy your post
It’s hard to tell what it is. A candle holder?