
UN Votes Reject Trump’s Jerusalem Decision by 128-9

On December 21, 2017, at 12:13:56 pm, the UN voted on rejecting Trump’s Jerusalem Decision.

128 countries were in favor of rejecting Trump’s decision.

9 against—Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Togo, Palau, and USA

35 abstention –Antigua/Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia/Herzegovi na, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Repub., Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Haiti, Hungary, Jamaica, Kiribati, Latvia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Rwanda, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Trinidad Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, and Vanuatu.


What do you think?


  1. I am very pleased that my own country – the United Kingdom – is one of the 128.

    I wonder how long it will be before President Trump and his supporters realise that they cannot go on supporting Israel in such an unquestioning and uncritical way, whatever that country does? Peace in the Middle East will only come about when all sides are satisfied that justice has been done, and that is certainly not the case at present.

    I also wonder how long it will be before the world appreciates that the whole situation is based on a myth. The vast majority of the Jews of the world cannot trace their ancestry back to the land of Palestine – they are descended from converts to Judaism who lived in places such as Western Russia and who had never set foot in the land they now claim.

    The Romans did not expel the entire population of Palestine in 70AD – the vast majority stayed put and converted to Islam during the invasions of the 7th/8th centuries. Their descendants are today’s Palestinians – the true inheritors of the land that comprises Israel today.
